Bay For Blood

Bay For Blood


James and Rob are hiding out in isolation to fix their mutual issues. As time progresses, the two reveal facts regarding their disturbing past relationship. An acquaintance of James’, Jessica, finds herself in an uncomfortable position as she contemplates the best way to handle the situation.


Director: Harry Waldman

Writer: Harry Waldman

Producer: Harry Waldman

Cast: Dave Neylon, Jasper Hammer, Isaly Viana

Other Relevant Credits:

Cinematographer-Lance Eliot Adams
Gaffer-Dru Montague
Location/Sound-William Ray
Assistant Director-Melissa Bohlen
Production Manager-Anders Gustafson
Graphic Designer-James Banks
Storyboard Artist-Bruce Waldman
Production Assistant-Mike Respeto
Production Assistant-Raesan Parson
Production Assistant-Nick Bernthal
Production Assistant-Nick Lizardi

Genre: Drama/ Psychological Thriller/Horror/Action

Running Time: 1′

Country: USA

Official Pages: